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Card 6


Mass movement created by Black Power and pressure it was able to exert on government may have encouraged NAs to adopt similar policy and to abandon NCAI, which was seen as supporting NAs who had done well, rather than those struggling economically.


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Card 7


Term 'Red Power' appears to have been taken directly from 'Black Power' and tactics of Red Power appear to mirror those of existing movement. Similarly, Red Power emphasised concept of pride in NA culture.


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Card 8


To argue Red Power movement was simply result of Black Power movement would be injustice as NA protest movements had already begun before Black Power.


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Card 9


After WW2 there were clear indications, particularly in response to policy of termination that NAs were more united in protests and resistance to gov policies and therefore did not need influence of Black Power


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Card 10


NA pressure groups were already achieving success and this resulted in establishment of Indian Claims Commission.


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Card 11


Militancy was already present among some NA protest groups, such as National Indian Youth Council, and simply to suggest they were inspired by Black Power movement would deny these developments.


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Card 12


Growing militancy among NAs was more response to conditions in which they found themselves following policy of termination and move into urban areas.


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Card 13


Move into urban areas made it much easier for pressure groups to be organised to complain about working and living conditions. Alien conditions NAs encountered in cities made them determined to preserve their distinct culture and way of life.


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Card 14


Range of protest movements developing in USA at this time and protests form NAs should simply be seen as one element of that development.


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Card 15


Change in attitude of US society towards minority groups and was reflected inn changing attitudes of presidents such as Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon. Changing attitudes enncouraged groups to take up causes, believed they had greater chance of success


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