How can the development of a coastal landscape be viewed overtime?
Within a systems framework.
1 of 6
What is a system?
A set of interrelated objects comprising components (stores) and processes (links) that are connected together to form a working unit or unified whole.
2 of 6
How do coastal landscape systems store and transfer energy?
Transfer and store energy and material on timescales that can vary from a few days to millennia (thousands of years).
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What energy is available to a coastal landscape system?
kinetic, potential or thermal.
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How does this energy enable work to be carried out?
By natural geo morphic processes that shape the landscape.
5 of 6
What is the material found in the coastal landscape system?
predominantly the sediment found on beaches, in estuaries and in the relatively shallow waters of the nearshore zone.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is a system?
A set of interrelated objects comprising components (stores) and processes (links) that are connected together to form a working unit or unified whole.
Card 3
How do coastal landscape systems store and transfer energy?
Card 4
What energy is available to a coastal landscape system?
Card 5
How does this energy enable work to be carried out?
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