10 important facts on background knowledge of Macbeth 4.0 / 5 based on 4 ratings ? English LiteratureMacbethGCSEAQA Created by: AliciaBurnsCreated on: 24-03-18 19:01 Who is the tragic hero? Macbeth 1 of 10 What is Duncan's youngest son called? Donalbain 2 of 10 What was the second apparition? No man born of a woman can harm Macbeth 3 of 10 Who succeeds Macbeth? Malcolm 4 of 10 In act 1, scene 5 who does Lady Macbeth call? The spirits 5 of 10 How many acts are the witches in? 4 6 of 10 How many acts is Lady Macbeth in? 9 7 of 10 When do we first meet Macbeth? Act 1, scene 3 8 of 10 What word is Macbeth unable to say? Amen 9 of 10 What was King James 1st obsessed with? Witchcraft 10 of 10
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