1. Hydrometeorological Process 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? GeographyPhysical Geography UniversitySQA Created by: annaruddimanCreated on: 14-12-15 21:11 Area of a drainage basin: Catchment area 1 of 26 Drainage basin boundary: Watershed 2 of 26 Mississipi Drainage Basin Drains almost half of the coterminous US 3 of 26 System of the basin hydrological cycle? A system of components. Comprising an input, a set of outputs, and intervening storages and transfers 4 of 26 Inputs: Rainfall, snowfall, hail, rime (frost), dew 5 of 26 3 main outputs: 1. Evapotranspiration: evaporation and transpiration. 2. Channel runoff: streamflow at basin outlet 3. Leakage: loss via substrate to adjacent basins 6 of 26 Storage, and how? 1. Vegetation 2. Surface water 3. Soil Moisture 4. Groundwater 5. Channel water 7 of 26 Interception Trapping of precipitation by vegetation 8 of 26 Stemflow Water flows down stems 9 of 26 Through fall Water drip from/through leaves 10 of 26 Infiltration Downward water movement into soil 11 of 26 Percolation Downward water movement through soil 12 of 26 Channel precipitation Precipitation directly into the stream 13 of 26 Overland flow Water flow over the ground surface 14 of 26 Capillary rise Upward movement of water in soil 15 of 26 Recharge Replenishment of groundwater 16 of 26 Reference for basin hydrological cycle: Strahler and Strahler, on whole process. 17 of 26 Most common transfers in basin hydrological cycle: Transpiration, Evaporation, Stemflow, Through flow, Interception, Channel Precipitation, Base Flow, Percolation 18 of 26 Water Balance Quantifies input, output, and storage components of a basin 19 of 26 Water Balance formula (simplified) Deposits = withdrawals + change in capital 20 of 26 Water Balance equation: P = (E+ R) + delta S 21 of 26 What do the letters stand for in Water Balance Equation (p - precipitation) ( E - evapotranspiration) (R - Runoff) (delta S - change in surface storage) 22 of 26 Equation for positive change in water balance storage: (E + R) > P 23 of 26 Equation for negative change in water balance storage: P > (E + R) 24 of 26 What may affect water balance: Climate Change and Human interference 25 of 26 How does human interference affect the water balance? 1. Urbanisation 2. Afforestation/deforestation 3. Water Storage 4. Soil drains 5. Vegetation burning 6. Tillage 26 of 26
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