Wuthering Heights
- Created by: Bethany
- Created on: 15-10-11 01:24
Wuthering Heights
Thrushcross Grange
- 'Pure white', 'gold'-showing the higher class and social status
- Opposite to WH
- 'glass drops'
- 'the idiots'-the Lintons have wealth, status and class yet are still unhappy
Wuthering Heights
- Prison like
- Oddly beautiful
- Graveyard
- 'completely removed from the stare of society'
- 'grotesque' carvings
- Lonely, isolated
- Elemental, with nature.
- Mean and vindictive (Nelly)
- 'at 15 she was queen of the countryside'
- Aware of her responsibilities , marrying Edgar
- 'It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff'
- Reflects the weather and moors
- Different in appearance and character
- 'Out and outer'
- Nature/nurture
- Passionate
- Mysterious
- Bedraggled
- Out of control
- Animalistic
- Looks on
- Unsure
- Self depricating
- Looknig for friends
- Heathcliff and Cathy bond through mutual rebellion
- Eternal passion 'I cannot live without my soul'
- 'I am Heathcliff'
- 'If all else remained and he were annihiliated the universe would turn a mighty stranger'
- Edgar/Cathy and Cathy/Linton seperated through death
- Fustration of love?
- Cathy/Hareton are the only succesful couple, overcame social boundaries
- 'It would degrade me to marry Heathcliff'
- Heathcliff hands Cathy back to Edgar, belongs to him
Death and the supernatural
- 'Surely you and everybody else have a notion that there is or should be an existance of yours beyond you'
- 'i know ghosts have wondered on Earth. Be with me always'
- Death brings Hareton and Cathy together
- Death is the only thing that can truly merge Cathy and Heathcliff
- Supernatural is always dealt with at WH
- Ghosts are a manifestation of the past, the power of memories
- Heathcliff's characterised by violence
- Catherine stays immature and child like
- she is spoilt throughout her life
- Cathy is not allowed to WH, Linton aware of how childhood is important and how she should be brought up within society.
- Hindley wants revenge on Heathcliff, feels he stole his father from him
- Heathcliff wants to 'pay Hindley back' for his mistreatment
- Heathcliff wants revenge of Edgar so taking Cathy with their material revenge, he marries Isabella for this purpose
- Isabella wishes she could take 'an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth'
- Hareton is degraded as revenge of Hindley
- Although isolated by his obession with revenge he is reuinted with Cathy in death
- WH and TG return to their rightful heirs
Narrative Voice
- Colloquial, less educated ' gipsy brat'
- Emotional, dramatic
- Exaggerated
- Well educated, snobby-'Perceiving myself in a blunder'
- Foolish-'a capital fellow' referring to Heathcliff
- Naive-'Unluckily, it was a heap of dead rabbits'
- Complex sentences
- Doesn't understand the lives of the WH inhabitants
Critical reading
- Cathy and Heathcliff's union is only maintained through Cathy's identity
- Their love is tied to the convention of language, which categorises it as having a live and limited outcome
- Cathy realises death is the only way to be truly merged with Heathclliff
- Cathy and Heathcliff dramatise the unknown, repressed and childish part of everyone
- The child is the mother of the man
- Cathy and Heathcliff's love represents the pre-Oedipal stage, a time of absalute identification between the self and someone else(mother)
- …