Weimar Germany 1919-1933
- Created by: James Storey
- Created on: 28-05-15 12:26
Weimar Germany 1919-1933
This information can be manipulated to answer most questions' linked to Bullet Point Two of the edexcel course which covers the years 1919-1932.
- Presidential
- Replaced the Kaiser- identical power
- Elected every 7 years
- Article 48. gave power to rule by decree
- Replaced the Kaiser- identical power
- power
- Government proposed and implemented laws- accountable to the Reichstag
- Reichstag
- elected every 4 years
- vote on/block/amend laws
- VOTING BY PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION- 10% of the electoral vote equates to 10% of the seats. CAUSES FRAGMENTATION
- Reichsrat- reps from regional bodies
Constitutional rights-
- Equal by law
- Free speech/ religion
- Art, science and teaching free
- Right to form unions
- Labour under special protection of the federation Favour socialist/left
- Workers and employers are equal
- Welfare state
Strengths of Weimar:
- Liberal/democratic
- PR meant every vote counted
- Strong on maintaining equal balance of power throughout Govt.
Weaknesses of Weimar:
- Little change between Kaiser and President
- PR…
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