Weimar Germany 1919-1929
- Created by: zalp
- Created on: 04-05-17 19:29
- Germany tried to break through the Allied lines (Ludendorff Offensive), which failed so winning the war seemed very unlikely
- The arrival of American troops made Germany's situation worse
- Germans were suffering from hardship and starvation
- Strikes and demostrations took place - influencing Communist ideas
- November 1918, sailors and soldiers took over a naval base in Kiel, within weeks workers councils had taken over Berlin.
- Kaiser abdicated and fled to the Netherlands, new Government formed under President Ebert.
- 11th November 1918 Armistice signed - end of WW1
- Politicans who agreed to the armistice were known as the November Criminals, many people had turned away
- Treaty of Versailles caused anger to increase - Germany took all the blame, they were forced to pay reperations and they couldn't join the League of Nations
- Communists (Spartacists) attempted a putsch in Berlin - they believed revolution could go further than just removing the Kaiser entirely.
- They wanted to overthrow the President, and take control of Berlin
- Ebert sent the Freikorps to put down the revolt.
- 13th January the revolt ended - Rosa Luxemberg and Karl Liebknecht were killed
- Right wing extremists and the Freikorps tried to take over Berlin (Kapp Putsch)
- Lead by Dr Wolfgang Putsch who hated the Treaty of Versailles
- Ebert called the army - they refused
- General Strike across Berlin - Kapp fled to Sweden
- German government…
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