Tullus Hostilus 673-642BCE, King #3
- Created by: elareare
- Created on: 14-01-23 15:27
After Numa died, the albans decided to fight the romans. but neither the romans nor the albans wanted to fight because they were super close, and like brothers! city brothers!
anyway it JUST SO HAPPENED that each side had a set of triplets of the same age and so they made the triplets fight.
Roman triplets= Horatii
Alban triplets: Curiatii (maybe)
anyway read livy 1.25
rome won but lost 2/3 of the triplets!! a little story goes that after the horatii won, their sister who was engaged to the curiatii saw her brother carrying the bloodied cloak that she had woven herself for her lover and burst into tears, and then her brother kills her for siding with the enemy! (what a jerk).
but he doesn't got to prison because this is ROME DUDES!! WE DON'T KILL MEN WHO KILL THEIR LITTLE SISTERS! NOPE! and the horatius' dad sided with him. what a jerk.
Anyway, back to Tullus. It turns out that Mettius, leader of the Albans at the time, didn't WANT to submit to Rome and made secret alliances with his etruscan neighbour-citiesm Veii and Fidenae. Hostilius found out about this and 'inspired his army…