True Family of Jesus
- Created by: Beth K
- Created on: 01-06-11 12:05
How the costs of discipleship are shown in the true family of Jesus:
- Within Mark's account of True Family Jesus is implying that discipleship demands total dedication from those who follow him. This story shows that the cost of becoming a disciple might mean giving up related family and friends.
- Jesus is also implying that a cost of discipleship is giving up goal and expectations in life in order to do what "God wants". Jesus wants his followers to always be doing God's will- "what God wants" in spite of what they, the individual, wants to do.
- A cost of discipleship is also that you may have to treat those who you dislike, or do not approve of, as family, as "brothers" or "mothers". In order to do God's will, Jesus wants us to treat all (including our enemies) as family, and this is a cost of discipleship. A disciple cannot hold any form of a grudge.
- Treating one another like your family, like your "mother" or "brother" may be hard for individuals, especially if treating them like family…
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