Tropical Cyclone


Tropical Cyclones

Hurricanes made landfall they discipaes as loses energy in land

Inter tropical convergance zone is along the equator

Hurricanes move from East to West direction due to the earths spin

Hurricanes move away from the equators

Earth is spoinning deflects wnd so Hurricanes move in a curve path

Corriolis effect- deflects wind to the right in the northern hemisphere whereas deflects to the left in Southern hemisphere

26/27 degrees of sea temperatures to form cyclone

60 metres depth to form a cyclone

Tropical Cyclone

begins as a tropical storm that winds of 74 miles per hour

low pressure systesm with winds moving in anti clockwise in northern hemisphere

clockwise (southern)

200-650 km

hazards- torrential rains, high winds and storm surges

when water changes state absords latent heat

hurricane water vapour changes to liquid it absorbs latent heat to absorb more water which means ability to release latent heat. this is called positive


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