Token Economy
- Created by: Hannah
- Created on: 16-01-11 18:44
Token Economy
- a behaviour modification therapy in order to prevent recidivism
- The aim is to replace maladaptive behaviour with appropraite behaviour
- Token economy uses operant conditioning to prevent criminals re-offending
- When the offender does a desirable behaviour, they will get tokens as a reward (positive reinforcement)
- these tokens can then be exchanged for something the offender wants such as cigarettes, extra visits, etc.
- The tokens are therefore secondary reinforcers- they can use them to buy primary reinforcers e.g. tokens for food
Prisons also use:
- Negative Reinforcement- they will remove privileges from a prisoner if they do an undesirable behaviour. The privilege is immediately given back when the right behaviour is displayed.
- Punishment- a prisoner is put in isolation
+ Milby (1975)- found TEPS successful in psychiatic hospitals in controlling behaviour. Programme also seemed to work outside of the hospital too.
+ Ayllon and Milan (1979) found that TEPS worked for clear behaviour such as the control over interpersonal aggression
+ anyone can administer TEP and tokens and rewards are reasonably cheap so there are more benefits than costs
+ meta analysis has shown that TEPS are successful…
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