Tis Pity revision notes
- Created by: Annam.A
- Created on: 05-06-14 22:20
“Your age o’errules you”
“better ’tis, to bless the sun that reason why it shines” - religion vs renaissance
“gods” - renaissance man
“Shall then, for that I am her brother born, my joys be ever banished from her bed?”
“Repentance, son, and sorrow for this sin”
“it were more ease to stop the ocean from floats and ebbsm than to dissuade my vows”
“pray three times a day, and three times every night”
“”all this I’ll do”
“I have asked counsel of the holy church”
“Must I not do what all men else may - love?”
offers his dagger to her
“I durst swear your forehead exceeds hers”
“What must we do now?”
“What you will”
“come then…kiss and sleep”
“this pretty toy called maidenhead…when being lost, ’tis nothing and you are still the same”
“How sweetly life doth run in these well-coloured veins”
“Here I sadly vow repentance” - Annabella to Friar
“Wonderful justice!” - HIppolitas death
“I hate thee and thy lust; you have been too foul” - Soranzo to Hippolita
“You have fitted her a just payment in her own coin”- vasques to soranzo about Hippolita
“I have another purchase in hand, I shall have the wench” - Bergetto
“Welcome, chaste vows; myself I yield to you” - Philotis’ last words
“This old damnable hag, gag her instantly and put out her eyes” - Vasques
“Your own mischievous treachery hath killed you” - Vasques to Hippolita
“Love me, or kill me, brother”
“pray, Anabella,…
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