There is no adequate religious answer to the problem of evil
- Created by: Nye Merrill-Glover
- Created on: 28-04-13 20:26
There is no adequate response
- If hell is part of the universe's design, then the flaw must've been foreseen by God, and as such the world wasn't made perfect
- Scientific developments and the theory evolution contradict Augustine's theory of the fall, instead promoting an idea closer to Ireneaus' theodicy
- It's biologically impossible that all human beings are descended from Adam, or were 'seminally present'
- Evil being an absence of good works well in theory but when someone is suffering evil they will instead argue that it's a genuine experience, as opposed to a 'privatio boni'
- However Ireneaus' theodicy adds several extra problems to evil, the first of these being that an omnibenevolent God would never use evil as her tool
- …
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