Theme 4 - Social developments, 1917-85
- Created by: paulhaswell
- Created on: 05-06-18 14:39
How successful was the government in providing social security for the Soviet people between 1917 and 1985?
- It was a basic communist principle that everything was provided for by the state
Full employment, housing and social benefits, 1917-53
The labour market under Lenin
- Civil war led people to go to countryside where food was more reliable
- Meant that there wasn't enough workers so government issued a decree saying anyone unemployed should go to factories
- 1918 - Labour conscription introduced to make sure Red Army won civil war
- Labour exchanges established but were unpopular
- End of civil war meant soldiers were unemployed - however wage rise under NEP
- During NEP, Arteli's formed - groups of people who organised work and shared resources
- Wage gap rose during NEP - skilled workers demanded more
Industrialisation and full employment
- 1930 - first country to achieve full employment in peacetime
- Excessive targets meant a huge labour force was needed
- Lack of technology and collectivisation put strain on labour force - was labour shortages
- Impacts of full employment:
- Divisions in the workplace - skilled and unskilled
- Restrictions on trade unions - poor working conditions
- October 1930 - unemployment benefit cancelled - left to the unions
- Productivity low - hard, repetitive work
- Internal passports to prevent workers switching jobs (due to poor conditions)
- Wage gap increased - incentives offered for being high-skilled
- Honours, medals, rewards given to model workers
- Absenteeism - harsh punishments but not effective due to need for labour
- Huge pressure on labour during WW2 - strain on women until men returned
- Despite full employment, average person had a poor quality of life
- 1917 - housing of rich redistributed to poor - however soon became corrupt. Also not enough housing to go around
- Industrialisation increased demand for workers housing - population growth
- Resources for housing non-existent - workers lived in tents, huts, or the factories
- 1930s - housing improved - drab, repetitive housing with communal features - however still not enough; only for very committted workers
- Strain on family life - communal living meant lack of privacy
- Improvements in rural housing slower to happen
- WW2 resulted in a destruction of housing in cities
Social benefits
- Food availible in workplace canteen
- Work clothes given free
- Trade unions organised most benefits - holidays, sports, films etc. Very important to stay in favour with unions
- Health care designed by government - effective in controlling epidemics
- Increase in training for doctors and a lot of women in health care workforce
- By 1953, employment, housing, social services all provided for but poor quality
Khrushchev, Brezhnev and the promotion of a stable society, 1953-85
- Khrushchev announced in 1961 that population would enjoy benefits of socialism
- Developed socialism was a society instilled with revolutionary values:collectivism, politcal conciousness, active participation. Lot of support for this
What were the key features of social stability under developed socialism?
- Full employment
- Soviet constitution guarenteed employment
- Some employment - seasons in farming and recent graduates
- Lack of job satisfaction - undemanding, pointless, repetitive
- Real wage rises…
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