The only parts of the Bible a Christian needs are Gospels (12 marks)
- Created by: Lina
- Created on: 08-04-14 11:42
- Contain details of Jesus's birth, life+ death
- Luke+ Matthew contain the birth narrative- immaculate conception- Matthew 1:21
- Contain Jesus's teachings relating to God+ to how people should live their lives, e.g. "Love thy neighbour" (Mark 12:30)
- The other books of the NT only develop what Jesus said in the Gospels- Acts, Revelation, Epistles+ aren't much of a value without the Gospels
- Show how Jesus fulfilled Jewish belief regarding the Messiah+ how Jesus clarified+ completed the laws in the OT
- The OT- useful background- the 1st part of the Bible+ contains the Torah (laws given to Moses by God)
- Jesus said: "I have not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill it"- based his teachings on…
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