The Legal Profession - Regulation of Solicitors and Barristers


Regulation of Solicitors

  • Traditionally solicitors regulated themselves through law society
  • Now regulated by SOLICITORS REGULATION AUTHORITY, regulate more than 120,000 solicitors
    • Independent regulator of solicitors, regulate firms and all who work within firms, regulates in public interest. Work is overseen by 17 SRA board members, 9 are solicitors including chair and eight are lay members, most of its exercises through 5 committees and 2 groups
    • State purpose is to protect public by ensuring solicitors meet high standards + acting when risks are identified
    • All solicitors follow same principles + code of conduct, SRA provide advice to do so
    • Changed from Law society to SRA to emphasise independence and to make what they do clearer
    • SRA monitored by LEGAL SERVICES BOARD, established by Legal Services Act 2007 commenced in 2010 job…


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