The internet & networking - Full notes
- Created by: alexandermclarke
- Created on: 21-01-14 10:06
Internet and Intranet, and networks
The internet is a vast series of interconnected networks, which allow clients (computers) to communicate with each other remotely.
An intranet is a similar network which behaves in the same ways as the internet as a whole, using protocols designed for use on the internet as a whole, but which only allows devices to communicate on a local scale. Think of it as a minature, private, managed version of the internet.
In networking, different applications use different protocols when communicating. These are essentially different structures of data (organised into 'layers' depending on the order they are written) within the packets of data being transmitted over the network. Although the data itself may be different depending on the application, most layers are in the same order.
These can be found here:
In the TCP/IP model, every device on every network is assigned an IP address by the hub/switch, which uniquely identifies each device and is used y devices to connect to each other. This, in home networks, is in the form 192.168.**.** .
Domain Names and DNS servers
Users of the internet can request resources such as webpages and files using domain names (AKA web addresses). But how does the computer know the IP address of the server to connect to? This is where the DNS (Domain Naming System…
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