The Dissolution of the Monastries
- Created by: Holly
- Created on: 24-01-15 16:16
The "regular Clergy"
- Took vows of poverty, chastity and obedience
- Ordained Monks = choir monks
- Unordained Monks = lay brothers
- Monks and Nuns are "claistered" i.e. isolated from the world as a member of a religious order
Monasteries in 16th Centry
- monastery = term to describe religious houses
- AKA = Abbey
- 850 instituitions in England
- significant for = archietcutre, learning, production of illuminated manuscripts
- majority of books/library
- Abbot - person in charge - had finacial ability, socialise with members of nobility and gentry
Monastic Order:
- Benedictines - 4 vows = obedience, chastity, poverty and manual labour
- Cistercians - lived in isolated rural locations, not as scholary as the Benedictines but focused on agriculture and hard manual labour
- Carthusians - lived lifes of isolation and silence
- Augustiniuns - called "black canons", lived in communities, popular among the people
- Cluniacs - tried to return the Benedictines rule to its original simplicity, spent much of their time in devotion, left agriculture to paid servants
- Carmelites - white friars
- Dominicans - black friars
- Franciscans - grey friars
Preparing for the Dissolution
- 1520s = Wolsey dissolved 29 monastries, purpose of funding a grammar school in Oxford
- Monasteries were "decayed" i.e. they had ceased to be viable
- All closures - totally legal, papal permission
- As Wolsey fell from power before the paperwork was complete, Henry took the money for himself
- Most of the work was completed by Thomas Cromwell
What was significant?
- before Wolsey's fall
- before Break from Rome
- Wolsey's idea
- not attack but reform
- Precedent (event that occured and is used again)
- Cromwell…
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