1. Reconstruction
- Created by: jcaden
- Created on: 11-03-17 11:50
Andrew Johnson
- April 1865 - widely regarded as the right man for the job
- Supporter of emancipation
- BUT - launched his own programme of presidential reconstruction
Presidential Reconstruction
- Aimed to quickly bring the south back into the political mainstream
- Southerners had to swear oath in order to be pardoned
- The men elected to represent soithern states = mostly ex-confederates
- New state governmentss backtracked on question of rights for African Americans
- Led to the introduction of BLACK CODES
- Although he did not want to alienate the south he had in fact undermined the status of the freedman and allowed the 'old gang' baack into power.
Congressional Reconstruction
- From December 1865 Johnson in conflict with congress
- 4 factions: Democrats, conservative, moderate, and radical Republicans
- Drove many moderated into allying with radical
- …
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