The Sources of the constitution and Constitutional reform
- Created by: Alexmac333
- Created on: 21-01-19 10:42
The Sources of the UK Constitution
- Parliamentry Statutes is one source, Human Rights Act 1998 or Scotland Act 2016 which gave devolved powers
- Constitutional Conventions another source, an unwritten rule which binds government, Salsibury convention that House of Lords cannot block any legislation that appears in government manifesto
- Historical Principles, rules established over a long period of time, Sovreignty of Parliament is a good example of this, attributed to consitutional theorists mainly. Rule of law also one, enshrines equality and political rights
- Common Law another source, common practice of judges/ citizens, right to free movement and public demonstrations are part of common law
- Customs and Traditions another source, rituals of queen/ parliament, Queens speech a clear example of one…
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