The Nature of Nazi Government
- Created by: sirius3
- Created on: 17-08-18 10:37
The Nature of Nazi Government
Power and the role of Hitler
- Hitler Myth - Germany's hero: stood for national interests, saviour of the economy, defender against the enemy.
- Gained credence due to people's desire for a strong government capable of national unity. Sustained by Hitler's 1933 successes.
- The propaganda concealed the shortcomings of the regime.
- Created an image of security belied by the chaos of the regime. Hitler never co-ordinated cabinet meetings; the regime had no constitution; the Enabling Law meant changes were brought about in a haphazard way.
- Created radical momentum that ultimately weakened the regime.
- Became victim of his own myth.
Polycratic nature of the Third Reich
- Plurality of authorities, often tasked with similar jobs (Goebbels - Minister of Propaganda, Rosenburg - Nazi ideology, Dietrich - Nazi press office, Rust - Education, Bouhler - Censorship. Also Lammers - Reich Chancellery, Bouhler - Chancellor to Führer, Bormann - Party Chancellery, Meissner - the Presendential Chancellery).
- Why did Hitler allow this? - Was he lazy or did he deliberately want to encourage competition? It must be noted that, although Hitler took a 'hands off' approach, nothing was ever done against his will, suggesting he was in control.
- Policies were drawn up by those below Hitler, meaning they aimed to create policies that would land them in Hitler's favour (and did so competitively). Sir Ian Kershaw: 'working towards the Führer'.
- Polycracy resulted in CUMULATIVE RADICALISATION = war, Holocaust. Hitler's subordinates competed with each other by proposing increasingly radical ideas.
1938 Purge of the Army
- Hitler purged his leading…
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