The nature-nurture debate
- Created by: kateida0
- Created on: 13-06-18 14:08
The nature-nurture debate- concerned with the extent to which aspects of behaviour are a product of inherited or acquired characteristics
nativists (e.g. Descartes) argue human characteristics are determined by heredity (the genetic transmission of mental and physical characteristics from one generation to another) and the extent of this can be measured using a hereitability coefficient (0-1.0), for IQ this is 0.5 (Plomin)
Empiricists (e.g. Locke) argue mind is a blank slate at birth which experience writes upon. Lerner identified levels in the environment:
- pre-natal: mothers physical and psychological state during pregnancy
- post-natal: social conditions, such as cultural and historical contexts
Relative importance of heredity and environment-
the nature-nurture debate is impossible to answer as influences cannot be logically seperated, e.g. high concordance rates in twins could be the result of shared genetics or shared environment
The interactionist approach- the idea that nature and nurture are linked to such an extent that it does not make sense…
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