The Logical Problem of Evil
- Created by: Serena_Anne17
- Created on: 12-11-20 16:27
The Logical Problem of Evil
- The argument is against the existence of God.
- It is "a priori"
- It argues on the basis of logic ALONE .
- It doesn't need experience or evidence.
- The existence of an omnipotent, omnibenevolent God is logically inconsistent with the existence of evil.
- The problem of evil presents a powerful and logical challenge to belief in the kind of God described by Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and it goes it like this; if there is a God who is omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent then then why do evil and suffering exist in the world?
- Surely, people argue, a wholly good and loving God would want to prevent evil, if he could; and if…
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