- Created by: student111319
- Created on: 05-04-23 16:09
the circular economy:
- is a model of production + cosumption whihc ivolves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishinng + recycling existing materials for as long as possible, in this way the life cycle of products is extended
- the circular econonmy invovles an analysis of human acitivties snd an assessment of how using the prinicples of natural systems would create more sustainable lifestyles
- linear human systems reky on non renewable reosurces + use resources before they are discarded
- the circular economy use renewable resources + reuses materials whenever possible
difference between the take, make + waste linear economy approach + the circular economy approach
the principles of CE:
cycling of material
energy derived from renewable reosurces
human activities should support ecosystem
diverse systems are more resistant to change
connected systems
desing of products for extented use
design of products for end of life reuse
seperation of technical + biological materials
optimum production rather than maximun production
tehcnologies to design new products + improve system effectiveness
application of CE to sustainable lifestyles
water supply
diverse renewable systems
food production
energy supplies
pollution control
waste managment
mineral resource managment
linear economy: human systems rely on non renewable reosurces + use resources once before they are discarded
CE; by contrast to the linear economy the CE aims to achieve sustainablity in all aspects of lifestyles + consumption, it uses…
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