Sociology- education full notes
- Created by: indiawilkes
- Created on: 26-05-18 14:49
Theory: Functionalism
- Durkheim (1925)- main role is to transmit society's accepted norms and values to maintain social solidarity
Saw education as a society in miniature where individuals learn to interact with others and follow a fixed set of rules
Believed education taught specific skills necessary in an industrial society with specialised jobs = division of labour
Parsons (1961)- acts as the bridge between family and wider society > socialises children into the basic values of society
Acts as the bridge between particularistic values (treatment of children as particular individuals) and universalistic values (standards that apply equally to everybody)
Davis and Moore (1945)- education allocates roles based on meritocracy > those who are high achievers will be rewarded with functionally important jobs
Marxists believe education benefits the ruling class
Feminists believe education benefits the patriarchy
Hargreaves (1982)- education promotes competition and individualism
Gender, ethnicity and class influence attainment, not meritocracy
Other factors increase chance of functionally important jobs (social contacts)
Theory: Marxism
Marx and Engels- bourgeoisie use their ownership of means of production to form the infrastructure of society > control society's institutions to instil exploitative values
Bowles and Gintis (1976)- education prepares people for workplace using the hidden curriculum > teaches people to accept their position in hierarchy and motivates them with external rewards (exam success)
Althusser (1971): schools legitimise class inequality through meritocracy/parentocracy (ideological state apparatus)
Bowles and Gintis: schools correspond to the world of work; teach values need for capitalism to thrive (Correspondence Theory)
Example: teachers are like bosses/students are like workers
Brown et al (1997)- work now requires team work, not obedience
Reynolds (1984)- some subjects encourage critical thinking (sociology)
Willis- hidden curriculum is not always accepted (AO2: Learning to Labour study)
some education authorities have independence and do not have to follow wishes of capitalism
Functionalists believe education benefits society as a whole
Feminists believe education benefits patriarchy
Bowles and Gintis' research is outdated and USA-based > may not apply to contemporary UK society
Theory: Neo-Marxism
Giroux (1984)- WC pupils shape own education and can resist discipline.
Schools are sites of ideological struggle for different class/genders/ethnicities
The education system has relative autonomy (some independence)
Paul Willis (1977)- studied WC teenage boys at a comprehensive school in Birmingham. Believed they were superior to teachers > misbehaved as they were uninterested in getting qualifications > formed a counterculture to feel like adults and were sexist/racist > ended up working in factory jobs
Theory: New Right
Private enterprise > competition between businesses > essential as it raises standards
Hargreaves: ‘Kentucky Fried Schooling’ schools have to compete for students and should be ran like businesses
Chubb and Moe: Compared private and state schools, argued the education system should be managed privately
Main focus of education should be on…
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