Social L&C
- Created by: kathleen_tara
- Created on: 17-05-18 23:52
- transfer of meaningful info from one person to another
- system of sounds that convey meaning because of shared grammatical and semantic rules
- organised way of combining words to communicate
- form of communication that uses a systematic set of conventional symbols
- symbols used to represent sounds that when put together form words, phrases and sentences
- direct without words - face expressions, stance, gestures, voice tone
- indirect without words - writing, maths, music, painting
Breaking down speech
- phonemes - smallest units of sound in languag, aquire meaning when combined
- semantics - study of meaning in a language
- morpheme - smallest unit of meaning in spoken language
- sentences - language rules dictate syntax, how morphemes put together to form sentences
- sees 'private speech' as means for children to plan activities and strategies, aiding development, so language is accelerator to thinking/understanding
- language develops fom social interactions, for communication purposes - later becomes internalised as 'thought' and 'inner speech', so thought is result of language
- social interactionist theory
- > language developmentoccurs through interaction between parent and child
- > language plays two critical roles in cognitive development:
- == main means of adults transmitting…
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