Section 5: Food Provenance - Chapter 10: Environmental impact and sustainability - 1: Food sources

  • Created by: erp2002
  • Created on: 26-11-17 17:32
  • Food provenance:
    • What food provenance means:
      • Where foods and ingredients come from
      • Food production can have impacts on the environment
      • How this information helps people choose food
  • How foods/ingredients are grown:
    • How plant crops (fruits, vegetables, herbs, cereals, nuts) are grown:
      • Intensive farming:
        • Many plant crops grown by this method - large fields growing the same crop
        • Many grown in large glass houses or plastic poly-tunnels
        • Pesticides are used to prevent attack by moulds, insects, animals, or competition for light and soil nutrients by weeds
        • Artificial fertilisers used to put nutrients back into soil
        • Many people concerned about pesticides and fertilisers on the long-term health of people, the soil, streams, rivers and the natural ecology of the environment
      • Organic farming:
        • Producing crops without using artificial fertilisers and very little pesticides
        • Crops are fertilised with manure and compost
        • Different crops grown on the same piece of land each year - crop rotation
        • Soil Association sets and checks organic standards
  • How foods/ingredients are reared:
    • Intensive farming/factory farming:
      • Livestock (animals, birds, fish) are reared in large numbers
      • Often reared indoors in large sheds, cages or tanks
      • Land is expensive so intensive farming costs less, so the price of food…


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