SCLY3 Mass Media: Theories of ownership and control of the media

  • Created by: Nina
  • Created on: 12-09-15 19:21


·      Western society as a representative democracy.

·     Representing society’s concerns and interests.

·   Believe political power is divided of a wide variety of political parties and pressure groups.

·    No one group is dominant in society- to some extent all groups have a say in the running of society.

The Media

·         The content of mass media reflects what the public, or section of the public wants. The media responds to the demands of the market, reflecting reality rather than creates a reality.

·         Media owners agree with the Pluralistic view which reflect the diversity of opinions in society...

-       Theory of power states that no one group dominates the whole of society- power is shared, therefore the mass media reflects this diversity.

-       Present a wide range of views allowing the audience the freedom to choose between them

-       Minority views and tastes are catered for because of the choice of media, in a free market, i.e. Foreign newspapers, television channels etc.

Local and national democracy are under threat, despite more choice, choices are narrowed since they are broadcasting more and more of the same thing.


The media may be biased in certain ways but this is because the views they broadcast are those that people sympathise with and want to hear. Media products clearly reflect the attitudes and tastes of their audiences.

Currant + Seaton: Privately owned broadcasters are driven by profit, and so this can influence the media content. Advertising revenue. Advertising is a major source of income for media organisations, and this leads to a focus on the audience with high purchasing power, ignoring the minority that are poor.

·         Media concentration ownership is essential for survival in an increasingly global market. Only global companies have the resources available to provide audiences with a wide range of choice media products

·         Bagdikian(2004): Increasing media concentration has a serious effect on politics as it has moved politics to the far right as the views broadcasted are increasingly conservative- no room for liberal.


Digital Media Murdock and Golding (2005):Digital libraries transfer of power from owners to audiences. It puts audiences in the driving seat so that they can choose what and when to access. Miliband rejects the idea that the media offers a large selection of views


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