Schizophrenia Key Words
- Created by: jacobw0710
- Created on: 01-11-16 11:01
Classification of Schizophrenia
Avolition - The reduction, difficulty, or inability to initiate and persist in goal-directing behaviour, often mistaken for apparent disinterest
Delusions - Firmly held erroneous (wrong / incorrect) beliefs that are caused by distortions of reasoning or misinterpretations of perceptions / experiences
Hallucinations - Distortions or exaggerations of perception in any of the senses, most notable auditory hallucinations
Negative Symptoms - Appear to reflect a diminution / loss of normal functioning
Positive Symptoms - Appear to reflect an excess / distortion of normal functioning
Schizophrenia - A type of psychosis characterised by a profound disruption of cognition and emotion
Speech Poverty - The lessening of speech fluency and productivity, which reflects slowing or blocked thoughts
Reliability and Validity in Diagnosis and Classification
Co-morbidity - refers to the extent that 2 (or more) conditions/diseases occur simultaneously in a patient. E.g. Schizophrenia and Depression
Culture - The rules, customs, morals, childrearing practices etc. that bind a group of people together and define how they are likely to behave
Gender Bias - refers to the tendency to describe the behaviour of men and women in psychological theory and research in such a way that might not be seen to represent accurately the characteristics of either gender
Reliability - is consistency - the consistency of measurements. We would expect any measurement to produce the same data if taken on successive occasions
Symptom Overlap - refers to the fact that symptoms of a disorder may not be unique to that disorder but may also be found in other disorders, making accurate…
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