Russia notes alternate textbook
- Created by: S_webb
- Created on: 07-01-19 12:15
Communist government 1917-85:
- 1913 2.4 of 140 million were factory workers. 13 People's Commissioners in the first Sovnarkom, including Trotsky as head of froeign affairs and Stalin as head of nationality affairs. The vast majority of the new members had supported Lenin since the split of 1903. October Revolution centred on PEtrograd, rural control and even control of other cities initially weak. Gen Dukhonin, CHief of Staff, in late November refused a direct order to begin peace neogitations, and the Russian State Bank and State Treasury went on strike immediately after the revolution, denyingthe Bolsheviks any money. Menzhinsky's "Commissariat of Finance" was initially just a sofa with paper pined to it identifying it as such. 31st of October Petrograd Trades Union Council and 5th November First Conference of Female Factory Workers gave full support to the Bolsheviks. BUkharin claimed that "formal democracy" had to abandoned to win the RUssian Civil War, givne that in April and MAy 1918 most of the soviets objected to Brest-Litovsk.
- January 1918 Kornilov organised an anti-Bolshevik army in the Don, SRs and liberals set up a goverment in OMsk, attempts to revive the Constituent Assembly in Ufa. FIrst six motnhs of 1919 the WHites gained signficiant ground, Red victories agaisnt Makno in the Ukraine, Kolchak in Siberia and Denikin in Crimea. Trotsky introduced csoncription, harsh discipline and former TSarist generals to the Red Army. From 1920 the Poltiburo simply succeeded the Sovnarkom as the key instrument of Soviet government.
- In Kremenchuk, Ukraine, Church leaders were impaled on spiked, and in Oryol frozen victims were turned into ice sculptures. Women catured by the Cheka were generally *****. Lenin argued this terror was necessary in a time of icivl war. The soldiers' committees set up after the February Revolution were abandoned.
- Aleksandr Antonov led a rebellion in Tambov against communist grain requisitioning and the Cheka, building a force of 50,000 anti-communist fighters requiring 50,00 0Red Army members to dispell. IN March 1921 peasant attacks on government grain had also occured across the Volga. Krnondstadt and "Soviets without COmmunists". Poison gas attacks were used in peasant villages and 100,000 were deported to labour camps.
- February 1921 all Mensheviks in Petrograd and Moscow, including Fyodor Dan, were arrested and sent to the Butyrka. Worker's Opposition and Democratic Centralist opposition within the party. "On Party Unity".
- Zinoviev -- effective speaches contrasting Leninism and Trotskyism. BUkhrain -- disagreed in 1918 over WWI and in 1921 over the NEP, youngest, but had joined the Bolsheviks in 1906. Trotsky, most famous other than him, but only joined the bolsheviks mid-1917, retained position in Poltiburo until 1927.
- May 1924 the "Lenin Enrollment", 128,000 joined the party, mostly neducated and anti-Trotsky and BUkharin. 1923 one-third of party delegates from Stalin's "approved list, this only gre and grew. Stalin headed the Rabkrin, responsible for examining the conformtiy of local institutions to Party polity, and the Central COntrol Commission, giving him wide investigative powers.
- 1932 -- Kirov defended Ryutin, 1933 argued for more realistic 2nd Plan targets…
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