Russia at War and the February Revolution, 1914-1917
- Created by: rockboy3080
- Created on: 06-02-18 15:22
Key Dates:
- August 1st 1914- Germany declares war on Russia
- June-July 1915- The Fourth Duma re-convenes
- June 25th 1915- Formation of the Progressive Bloc
- August 22nd 1915- Nicholas becomes Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Forces
- December 1st 1916- Rasputin is murdered
- February 18th- March 4th 1917- The February Revolution
- February 18th- Starts of strikes and resistance
- March 4th- Nicholas II formally abdicates, Provisional Committee forms Provisional Government
Russia's entry to the war:
On 28th June 1914 Franz Ferdinand, an Austrian noble, was assassinated by Serbian seperatist Gavrillo Princip. The assassination started the process that led to war, and lead to an increased Austrian presence near the Slavic regions of Europe that Russia sought to defend. Russia eventually mobilised their army to intimidate the Austrian's out of area, but Germany came to Austria's support and sparked war. The main concerns the Russian's had were:
- Growth of the newly united Germany
- Austrio-Hungarian territorial expansion
- Defense of Slavic culture
- Tension between Russia and Austria-Hungary over the Balkans
Initial conflict:
Despite the hatred towards him, Nicholas was viewed in a positive light during the start of the war. He was viewed to be defending Slavic culture and showing strong leadership in a short, patriotic war. However, this good will would deteriorate as the conflict progressed. The Bolsheviks however, were driven completely underground due to the opposition to the war.
Problems and Solutions presented by war:
- Inflation- Spending rose from 4 million to 30 million
- Solution: abandoned the gold…
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