RS revision year 10 questions!
- Created by: charlotte
- Created on: 18-05-12 18:54
I did these to test myself before I sat my exam! Hope you find them useful!
Explain the importance of advent?
Advent is a 4 week period leading up to easter. It allows us to prepare for the coming of Jesus and remind us that God sent his only son Jesus in order to save our sins. Advent is important as it allows us to reflect of the coming of Christ and also that we should show thanks towards Mary who accepted Gods asking. We celebrated lent by the advent reef which counts down the weeks towards Jesus’s birth.
What is the importance of Christmas?
The importance of Christmas is that it is the day of Jesus’s birth. It is important as it is the day where God sent his only son Jesus, to sacrifice him for our sake. What is important about Christmas is that is reminds us that God has entered our human existence and knows everything about us our joys and our sorrows. The importance of Christmas is that it is of time of celebrating the moment that through the cooperation of the Virgin Mary, and the power of the Holy Spirit, god was made man.
Importance of lent?
The importance of lent is that is reminds us that Jesus went into the dessert for 40 days and 40 nights to worship God. Its important because due to Jesus rejecting the devils offer of turning stones into bread, jumping off the tallest building to test Gods power, and also the power of wealth provides a perfect reason to follow jesus example. Lent allows us to perform good works and give up a temptation just like jesus. It begins with Ash Wednesday and this is important because it allows us to say sorry for our sins.
Explain the importance of easter?
Easter is important because it shows Gods saving act of bringing life when there was death. It also proves that Jesus really was Gods son and that the resurrection displays Gods approval of Jesus. Also Jesus resurrection proves that we have a guaranteed eternal life with God.
Explain how Catholics celebrate Advent?
Catholics celebrate advent by the advent reef which is a circle of evergreen. The evergreen represents eternal life with god and also one candle is lit each Sunday and there are 4 candles, 3 purple and one pink. However, at times a white candle is present of the actual day of Christmas, white is the colour to represent purity. They also celebrate advent by reading readings of Jesus’s baptism and also by emphasising the role of Mary. Also advent calendars are used in order to count down the days towards the birth of Jesus. The priest wears purple and also the Gloria is not sung.
Explain how catholics celebrate Christmas?
catholics celebrate Christmas by having cribs which were introduced as a simple teaching aid by francis of assisi and tell the story of jesus being put into a manger as there was no room in…