Risk factors to addiction
- Created by: Heather Maly
- Created on: 16-06-13 13:58
- The old age and adolescents are the most vulnerable to addiction due to lifestyle changes.
- Helfer - study on swiss females over 75, 17% took painkillers or sleeping tablets daily, with 6% taking tranquilisers. 47% of swiss males had alcohol daily.
- Health Canada Youth Smoking Survey - Found that adolescents between the ages of 12-15 were more likely to go on to develop other addictions as smoking is opening the gateway of addiction.
- Correlation between stress and dependancy
- Does stress cause dependancy or dependancy cause stress?
- Higher levels of people with addiction in urban areas due to social stressors.
- Piazza - behavioural sensitisation on rats, found increased activity…
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