Renaissance Medicine
- Created by: sam the bfg
- Created on: 06-07-18 20:54
Renaissance Medicine
Important people:
Ambroise Pare- French Barber-surgeon/ war medic; wrote 'Works on Surgery'; used ligatures to close wounds then used an old roman remedy of egg yolk, rose oil and warm to seal them.
William Harvey- English doctor; wrote 'Exercitatio Anatomica de Motu Cardius et Sanguinis in Animalibus' (On the motion of the heart and blood in animals); proved Galen wrong; proved blood is pumed around the body not used up.
Andreas Versaiius- Belgian biologist; wrote 'De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem' (On the fabric of the humsn body); proved Galen wrong through his illegal dissections.
Who Treated People?
Mothers and wives still looked after their families on the most part, but now hospitals cared for the sick (in medieval times they only care for the elderly and poor). After Henry V||| closted all the monastries, and thus the adjoined hosptals, most care happened at home.
Causes of Disease
While the belief that disease was a punishment from God had died down most people still believed in supernatural causes whereas others ,with a more…
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