Reducing addictive behaviour
- Created by: Shelley
- Created on: 08-05-13 20:56
Reducing Addictive Behaviour
The theory of planned behaviour (Azjen and Fishbein 1975 & 1991) has been used successfully to predict and explain a range of health behaviours and intentions including smoking, drinking and substance abuse. It states that behavioural achievement depends both on motivation (intention) and ability (behavioural control). It distinguishes between three types of beliefs- behavioural, normative and control. The theory is made up of several constructs that represent a person's actual control over the behaviour.
Behavioural attitude: What is the individual's attitude to the addictive behaviour, is it favourable or not? It involves a consideration of the outcomes of performing the behaviour e.g I know smoking is bad for my health but it relaxes me.
Subjective norms: What does the individual and the general population think is the proper thing to do e.g. most…
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