Realist theories of crime
- Created by: cashj244
- Created on: 18-06-17 14:16
Realists - See crime as a real problem, especially for its victims, they propose policies to reduce crime.
Right realist - conservative, new right outlook, zero tolerance to crime view.
Left realist - reformist socialists - promote equality
Right realism -
- See street crime as a growing problem
- right realist believe other theories have failed to solve the problem of crime
- Labeling theory - too sympathetic to criminals and hostile to police
- Best way to stop crime is control and punishment
- rather than tackling poverty
- They reject poverty is the cause of crime - old are poor, do not commit
- three factors produce crime - biological differences, inadequate socializing and underclass, rational choice to offend
1.Biological differences -
- personality traits such as aggressiveness
- underclass who fail to socialize their children
2.The underclass -
- Nuclear family is being undermined by welfare state
- benefit dependent lone parents who fail to socialize their children
- lack of the father
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