RE Revision Cards



Key Concepts

Commitment - Making and keeping a promise, such as wedding vows.

Chasity - Decisions not to have sec before marriage, for example, because it is believed to be sacred.

Conflict - Working against each other rather than in unity, conflict in marriage can lead to divorce.

Love - To have a deep affection and express it through words and actions

Reconciliation - Apologise or say sorry and become friends again. Many faith communities have reconciliation services.

Responsibilities - Duties you should carry out, such as looking after a family member.

Issues to consider - Issues of Love

What responsibilities do we have? - To not let ourselves down. To look after others. Religious believers have a responsibility to God, their creator. To obey the law. To care for the earth. To follow religious teachings.

What commitments do we have? - To keep vows or promises we have made. To fulfil our duty. Not to hurt others as we all are created by God. Religious believers may show their commitment by worship, prayer and how they live their lives.

In the Greek version of the New Testament there are four types of love- 1. Agape - love given freely and unreservedly: strong emotion that usually includes commitment. 2. Storge- affection for things and animals. 3. Eros - sexual love. 4. Philia - bond shown through friends and family.

How important is the family? - In the ten commandments it states how important it is to look after your parents. Friends have a more important role in your life. In some religions, for example Judaism, it is considered to be a blessing to have a large family. You choose your friends - not your family. It id a duty or dharma to look after he family.

Issues of Sex


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