
  • Created by: elareare
  • Created on: 08-04-23 16:31

1. Gaius Canius, a Roman knight, went to Syracuse, he said that he wanted to purchase some grounds, whither he could invite his friends and where he could amuse himself without interrupters.

1. C. Canius, eques Romanus, cum se Syracusas contuilisset, dicebat se hortos aliquos emere velle, quo invitare amicos et ubi se oblectare sine interpellatoribus posset. 

2. When this had become widely known, a certain Pythius, who ran a bank at Syracuse, said to him that he owned some frounds, indeed not for sale but ones which Canius could use, if he wanted as his own: and at the same time, he invited the man into his gardens for dinner. 

2. quod cum percrebuisset, Pythius quid, que argentarium faciebat Syracusis, ei dixit se hortos habere non venales quidem sed quibus Canis uti posset, si vellet, et suis: et simul ad cenam hominem in hortos invitavit.

3. When that man had promised, Pythius then summoned the fisherman to him and asked from them that they should fish in front of his garden the next day, and told him what he wanted them to do.

3. cum ille promisset, tum pythius piscatores ad se convocavit,




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