'Praise Song for My Mother' by Grace Nichols
- Created by: emma brittain
- Created on: 19-04-16 18:49
About the poet:
- From the Caribbean
- Then moved to UK
- Inject poems with Indian folk law, cultural displacement, elements/nature, embraces diversity
- A Praise Song is African in origin and is used to celebrate the life of the person it is about
- It has a similar intention to an ode and can serve as a euology
- In this case, Nichols appears to be celebrating the life of her mother
- Structure resembles a stair case
- First three stanzas follow a pattern
- The last one breaks this pattern - representative of falling off the edge into adulthood without the nurturing presence of her mothe, either that or it could signify a change in relatiobship
- First three stanzas: monometer (to introduce as the first line), diameter (second line), trimeter (to extend the metaphor in the final line)
- First three stanzas being uniformed reflects the stability of her childhood
- Breakdown in structure - hints at childhood ending
- Last line - no full stop shows the relationship being unresolved/ love on going. Adulthood leads to lack of treatment and structure
Language analysis:
You were
water to me
deep and bold and fathoming
- 'You were' commences the anaphoric repetition that continues through the poem which shows the huge impact her mother has had in a variety of ways. Represents structure of childhood, empahsises presence of mother day after day
- Metaphor- water is a necessity, just like her mother in her life.
- Rule of three- in third line. Example of an extended metaphor
- Deep - wisdom, emotional depth, strong and dark in colour, physical depth, needing serious thought/profound
- Bold - strong and powerful, not shy, brave
- Fathoming - Literal = a unit of water. Metaphorical = understanding/or difficult to understand
- Sibliant alliteration - 'were water'. Were is in the past tense - either mother…
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