Practice Question
- Created by: chell0
- Created on: 02-06-23 19:09
The significance of friendship is a key theme in Blood Brothers throughout the whole play as it is being presented through Mickey and Eddie's friendship since they were born and then until they die.
During act one, Mrs Jhonstone had to give away one of her twins to Mrs Lyons and this is a key scene as Mickey and Eddie were seperated from birth but re-united when they were around 7 years old. This carries on throughout act two Mrs Lyon and Mrs Jhonstone finds out that Mickey and Edde are friends so they tell them that they ca't be friends anymore which causes them to rebel. From this they decide to create a pact together which they will respect forever as they promise each other to be 'Blood Brothers'. This shows that their friendship is very valuable since they first met as they just clicked and they know that they will always have each other but it is convenient they create this pact to be 'Blood Brothers' as they die knowing that they are brothers. Willy Russel does this to create this though-proviking feeling through dramatic irony. From this as reader and an audience it makes us want to find out how it ends as its so captivating.
As we develop further into act two, we as readers or audience get to see different perspectives of education: from Mickey and Eddie. Mickey is in the working class so he goes to a secondary modern where he gets taught how to work in factories for the real world. This can be shown in the quote which Mrs Jhonstone says to him when he leaves school ''Your gonna miss the bus'' but whereas Edward is part of the middle class so he goes to an all boys boarding school. This can be…
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