Politics A2 4D - Poverty and Development Definitions
- Created by: Abs
- Created on: 07-05-11 13:12
Development - growth, act of improving/enlarging/refining development comminly linked to economic growth (deeply contested)
Absolute Poverty - standard of poverty based on an income level/access to resources especially food/clothing shelter/ which are insifficient to 'keep body and soul together'
Relative Poverty - standard of poverty in which people are deprived of the living conditions and amenities which are customary in the society to which they belong
Purchasing Power Parity - calculation of purchasing power that takes account of the relative cost of living and the inflation rates of different countries, sometimes based on the 'international dollar'
Positive Freedom - freedom defined in terms of self-realization and the development of human capacities, freedom to be/do something
Gross Domestic Product - total value of all the goods and services produced in an economy, measure of national income
Modernization Theory - theory that there is a single linear path to development, reflected in the transformation of western countries from traditional pre-industrial agrarian societies to modern industrial mass consumption ones
Poverty Cycle - a set of circumstances that tend to…
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