OCR: Home Economics Food and Nutrition: Topic 2
- Created by: Zainab
- Created on: 19-08-11 16:53
The Relationship between Diet and Health - Notes
The Current Dietary Guidelines
- Base your meals on Starchy foods – For most of your energy and a variety of vitamins, minerals and fiber.
- Eat lots of fruit and Vegetables – For a variety of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, antioxidants, and good natural plant chemicals. Fresh, frozen and canned are allowed. 5 a day with each portion approximately 80g
- Eat more fish – For a good range of minerals and vitamins as well as protein. Oily fish – contain omega 3 fatty acids for a healthy heart, canned fish – but these usually have a lot of salt added so, fresh fish is better if possible. Three types – oily fish, white fish and shellfish.
- Cut down on saturated fat – High fat foods – more than 20g per 100g – Low fat foods – 3g or less per 100g. High Sat fat foods more than 5g per 100g – Low Sat Fat Foods 1.5 or less per 100g
- Cut down on sugar – only 11% of our daily energy intake should come from sugar. Sugar is often hidden in foods. Some names for sugar: glucose, glucose syrup, dextrose, maltose, lactose, fructose, sucrose, invert sugar and hydrolyzed starch.
- Try to eat less salt > 6g a day – Salt has always been used to preserve and flavor food. If we eat too much salt then - it makes your blood pressure rise which makes your heart work harder - it puts a strain on your kidneys also. A lot of salt is hidden in foods. Chemical name= NaCl. It is the sodium (Na) that causes problems. Sodium can be hidden as MSG in lots of foods as a flavor improver in ready meals. Also as Sodium bicarbonate found in self raising flour and baking powder.
- Drink plenty of water - Water is ESSENTIAL!
- Do not skip breakfast - If you have eaten breakfast you feel more alert, concentrate for longer and less likely to snack on junk foods.
- Get active and try to be a healthy weight - There are many benefits to doing physical activity e.g. boosts immune system, strengthens bones, heart gets stronger, makes you feel good and more confident. It is recommended to do moderate physical exercise for 30 mins a week. Not much physical activity can leave people feeling lethargic, weak muscles, constipation and weak bones.
- These guidelines are for people over 5 who are in good health. This does not include pregnant women or people with special health conditions
What is Good Health?
- Eating a balanced diet
- Having time to relax
- Having regular meals
- Not having too much stress
- Regular physical activity
- Having plenty of sleep
- Having clean drinking water
Balanced diet is important because:
- enables you to grow
- enables you to fight disease
- enables you to be active, alert and to concentrate
Malnutrition = when the diet becomes unbalanced
Undernutrition = when there is not enough food in the diet
Overnutrition = when there is too…