
GCSE PE Revision Guide

1.       Key concepts in Physical Education


The main elements of physical education that are required are:

·         Competence – The relationship between skill, this selection and application of skill, tactics and compositional ideas and the readiness of body and mind to cope with physical activity.

·         Performance – using physical competence and knowledge and understanding of physical activity to produce effective outcomes when participating in physical activity.

·         Creativity – exploring and experimenting with techniques, tactics and compositional ideas to produce efficient and effective outcomes.

·         Healthy, active lifestyle – Understanding the positive contributions that regular, fit for purpose physical activity makes to the physical and mental health of the individual.


To be competent in physical activities:

·         You need to know the appropriate skills, and when to use these skills.

·         You should know how to use the appropriate tactics in the activity.

·         You need to be fit enough to do the activity effectively.

·         You need to have the right metal approach.

The concept of performance in PE is about how well a task is related to the physical activities is completed. Your performance can be good, average or poor depending on many different factors. To perform well:

·         You need to be physically able to have good

·         You also need to know what is required to perform your skills well

If your skill and knowledge and understanding of the game are all good then you are likely to perform well and achieve success.

The concept of creativity in PE is concerned with using your imagination and trying things out before deciding the best course of action. You might try different techniques in the long run. For example when you find the technique to suit your own abilities you will practice that technique in order to be successful.

The concept of a healthy, active lifestyle is very important in PE. Having a Healthy, Active Lifestyle involves several things: One should be exercising regularly, having a balanced diet which gives them the appropriate amount of energy needed, as well as providing vitamins and minerals, and not smoking, doing drugs or drinking in excess, in order to have a HAL.





2.       Key processes in Physical Education

The key processes in physical education are:

·         Developing skills and techniques

·         Decision making

·         Physical and mental capacity

·         Evaluating and improving

·         Making informed choices about active, healthy lifestyles

Process 1 – Developing skills and techniques

·         The Ability to refine and adapt skills

·         Being able to develop a range of skills

·         Having Precision, control and fluency when executing skills

The key to developing skills and techniques is practice

Process 2 – Decision making

·         Using tactics and strategies, composition and creativity, planning for improved performance and responding effectively during performance.

·         Refining and adapting


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