OCR A2 Economics Congestion
- Created by: Chloe Davey
- Created on: 17-12-12 16:39
'Congestion refers to a situation whereby journey times are longer than expected'
It occurs when another car enters a road and holds up/slows down all other cars
This imposes an external cost on other motorists
External costs of congestion:
- Time (work time and lesuire time) Oppurtunity cost
- Depreciation
- Fuel wasted
Why Road Congestion is a Market Failure:
- Free market equilibirum is where MPC=MSB
- Here there are too many cars using the road
- The car owners ignore the negative externality
- Over consumption
- Optiumum is where MSC = MSB
- Past Q optimum social costs exceed social benefit
- Allocative inefficiency
- The cost/price of the road is too low
Economists have calculated that the cost of congestion on UK roads is £25billion per year. How would they arrive at this figure?
- Congestion occurs when a driver's journey time is beyond their expectations
- It is caused by too many vehicles on the road
- Economists…
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