OCR Philosophy & Ethics - Environmental Ethics
- Created by: Sophie Didymus
- Created on: 03-11-15 22:44
A2 Ethics
Environmental ethics
Key Scholars
- Assisi
- Aldo Leopold
- Alan Marshall
- Rachel Carson
- Aarne Naess
James lovelock
Richard sylvan
Peter singer
- Considers ethical relationships between people and the natural world
- Should we cut down trees/manufacture petrol cars?
- Obligations to future generations
Religious approaches
- Anthropocentric approach – humans above all others
- The world exists for our benefit, god does not care how we treat it
- Tamed for human use – weeds in gardens
- Aristotle and Aquinas – humans are morally important
- No intrinsic value I the natural world
- Bible is not always clear about dominion
o ‘let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and the birds of the air'
o ‘she (nature) has made all animals for the sake of man (Aristotle)
o Story of creation is different to modern ideas of dominion
- Singer – this approach is the root cause of all our problems
- Care for and conserve creation – belongs to god, we are caretakers of his property
- Humans are the peak of creation because we have the role of stewardship
- Creation is made by god and is good – must be preserved because it has intrinsic value
- Man was put into Eden to protect it – ‘to till it and keep it’
- Humankind is responsible to god for looking after his creation
Value of creation
- God is seen to value the natural world – ‘god saw that it was good’
- God is shown as having continued concern for creation – not even a sparrow falls without gods permission
- If god values creation then the bible suggests it has intrinsic value.
- We are made in gods image – special and apart from other beings
- Assiss suggested god communicates with us through the natural world – sin to destroy them
- Natural world is inherently good and a sign of gods goodness
- All creatures have the ability and duty to worship god
Effect of man’s sin
- The fall is seen by some as the reason for our environment problems – became poor stewards
- ‘the earth lies polluted under its inhabitants for they have transgressed laws
- Christians teach that we should use our increasing knowledge to rectify this
- The environment must be protected
- Avoiding needless exploitation of the natural world will bring about peace, harmony and justice
- Love of god and ones neighbour are fundamental in Christian ethics – applicable to the environment
Rapture and end-time theology
- No need to have concern for the earth as we have no future in it
- Destruction of…
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