- Created by: Former Member
- Created on: 21-10-19 09:43
Obesity Intro
Metabolic disorder associated with insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia and hypertension
Consequence of the imbalance between energy intake and expenditure
Growing prevalence worldwide - epidemiology
Risk factor for other major chronic disease: cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes and several cancers
Causes: genetics, epigentics, environmental - excess food intake, lack of physical activity, genetic x environmental, socio-economical factors
Obesity related traits - high BMI, unhealthy weight gain, high waist circumference, excess of body fat
Two types: Monogenic - mendelian obesity (early onset) and polygenic - common obesity
Obesity Causes
- Natural obesity in animals for hibernation/migration etc.
- is obesity in humans adaptive response in case of famine? No because approx 70% of population not obese. If it was positive selection then everyone would be obese
Evidence for genetic contribution
1.Inter-individual variation of BMI/body fatness studies: identical twins, adoptees (environment affect only), and family data in Canada, Denmark and Norway
- genetic factors: 25-40%
- non hereditary factor s (e.g diet/exercise): 60-75%
2. Animal models ob/ob mice
- mutation in ob (obese) gene results in severe obesity and type 2 diabetes
- Leptin (ob (or lep) gene product): satiety hormone produced in adipose tissue, decreases appetite, body fat stores and insulin production
see lecture 3 for image of how leptin works
Obesity Monogenic - Intro
Monogenic mutations lead to defects in the satiety (loss of leptin signaling) and appetite control centres in the brain
Four patterns of inheritence
- autosomal dominant
- autosomal recessive
- x-linked dominant
- x-linked recessive
Mutations Affecting Satiety Centre
1. Congential Leptin deficiency: extremely rare mutations in LEP gene = no leptin. Children with deficiency treated with Leptin rapidly lose fat mass and body weight but not lean mass (see lec 3)
2. Leptin Receptor deficiency (leptin resistance): rare mutations in LEPR gene = no response to leptin
Both autosomal recessive and result in excessive hunger leading to severe obesity, decreased production of hormones affecting sexual development and reproductive function, hyperinsulinemia (insulin resistance), onset in first few months of life
Mutations Affecting the Appetite Centre
POMC pathway
POMC = proopiomelanocortin (POMC) - extensively cleaved into multiple peptide hormones
- ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) stimulates cortisol release by adrenal gland
- α-MSH and β-MSH (melanocyte stimulating hormone) -weight regulation and energy balance maintenance, skin pigmentation (melanin production) - used to identify the disease but doesn't affect the disease
- β-endorphin and met-encephalin - endogenous opiates
POMC deficiency
- autosomal recessive
- mutation in POMC gene - truncated version or absense of POMC = decreased levels/loss of above proteins, dysregulation of body's energy…
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