Nazi Germany Timeline, 1918-45

  • Created by: Sophie
  • Created on: 17-06-12 16:44

Nazi Germany Timeline

What effect did WW1 have on Germany?

Winter of 1916-17

Potatoes ran out leaving only Parsnips, ¾ million Germans died of sickness and starvation


Germany produced 50% of the milk and 60% of the meat and butter it had


Why was the Weimar Republic so unpopular 1919-23?

June 1919

The signing of the Treaty of Versailles



January 1923

French and Belgium troops occupied the Rhineland to seize raw goods

March 1923

The Government tried to disband the Freikorps because of ally orders, Wolfgang Kapp lead the Kapp Putsch

8 - 9th September 1923

The Nazi Party carried out the Munich Putsch

How was the Weimar Republic able to survive 1924-29?

August 1923

Stresemann becomes Chancellor                   

September 1923

Stresemann ends Passive Resistance

October 1923

The Government replaced the worthless old money with the Rentenmark. It was valued on the amount of gold and silver owned by the country



New currency is bought in on the strength of the Dollar helping pull Germany from hyper inflation

April 1924

The Dawes plan gave Germany a huge loan

November 1924

Germany restarted paying reparations


Germany signed the Locarno Treaties with Britain France and Belgium securing the frontiers with France and Belgium


Germany joined the League of Nations and was given a permanent seat on the council

July 1925

Ally troops leave the Ruhr



Owen Young created the Young Plan. Reparations were cut to 112 billion gold marks to be paid over 59 years

How did the Nazi’s gain support 1924-29 and why were they unsuccessful?

December 1924

Hitler released from prison

January 1925

The ban on the Nazi party lifted

27th February 1925

Re-launching rally

Mid 20s

Focus on working classes

July 18th 1925

Mein Kampf was published

May 1925

The party received only 20,000 votes


The party began to focus on the middle classes where most new members were coming from, calling for an end to Marxist-capitalist extortion


Number of votes had risen to just 140,000


How did the Nazi’s achieve increased electoral success 1929-32?

October 1929

the wall street crash placed Germany in depression with high unemployment and homelessness rates

1-20th July 1930

In Prussia the SA  were involved in 322 battles and 72 deaths


farmers fell further into debt


Almost ½ of 16-30s were unemployed and 60% of new graduates could not get a job


 In the  election Hindenburg gave one speech while Hitler flew all over the country


40% of factory workers were unemployed and unemployment benefits were slashed leading to extreme poverty

July 1932

Nazi Party won 37.3% of the vote making them the largest party

November 1932

The party received only 33.1%

January 30th 1933

Hitler appointed Chancellor


How was Hitler able to gain complete control of Germany from 1933-4?

November 1932

Nazi Party gained 33.1% of votes making them the largest single party

January 30th 1933

Hitler was appointed Chancellor


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