Natural selection


Evoultion is the slow and continuous change of organisms from one generation to the next. Charles Darwin come up with the theory of natural selection to explain how evoultion occurs. It works like this:

1. Individuals are not all the same because of differences in their genes. So their is Variation within populations of organisms

2. Most organisms give birth to more young than can survive to adulthood

3. But populations don't generally increase quickly in size becuase individuals have to compete with each other for resources that are in limited supply (e.g food, water, mates)

4. Thoses individuals with characteristics that make them better adapted to the environment have a better chance of survival and are more likely to breed successfully

5. So, the genes that are responsible for the useful characteristics are more likely to be passes on to the next generation

6. However, some individuals will be less well adapted to their environment and may be less able to compete. These individuals are less likely to survive and reproduce

7. Over time, there will be a higher proportion of individuals with benificial characteristics - compared to those with poorly adapted characteristics. Eventually over a long period of time the poorly adapted characteristics may be lost.

Animals and plants are better adapted to their environment and more likely to survive. This theory is called natural selection and was first put forward by Charles Darwin. 

Evolution is the slow, continual change of organisms over a very long period to become better adapted to their environment. These changes arise through mutations (changes in DNA).These adaptations are controlled by genes and can be passed on to future generations.

Examples of Natural Selection Today

- Peppered Moths

Peppered Moths can be pale




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