Native Americans and their stance on civil rights. RED POWER
- Created by: MissVampire
- Created on: 16-11-16 15:14
Lack of Unity amongst Native Americans
It must be understood that unlike African-Americans who united as a froniter against discrimination and campagined for equal rights, Native Americans did not see themselves as 'Americans' instead they preferred that were left alone. Unity was also very difficult because of tribal rivarly therefore it took up until the 1960s and after the WW2 when finally Native Americans emerged as one. The lack of unity made it easier for federal and state governments to exploit Native Americans' rights. The strenght of the US army was evident to the tribal chiefs that it led them to making series of treaties such as Fort Lamaire as an example. Resistance was little than even Lone Wolf v Hitchcock Case slipped through easily. Any real action was rare. 1911, the first ever pressure group emerged, The Society of Americans Indians however its stance did not gain mass support and had limited funding. Then in the 1920s and 30s we see change in attitude from the American society rather than Native Americans. The Report of 1928 (Meriam) led to the Rhoads Reforms of 1929 and more during New Deal under Roosevelt.
A move towards Unity
Reforms of the New Deal were again not the result of Native Americans but John Collier. Therefore, the only time real action begins to take place is after WW2 where many Native Americans fought in the war and during this experienced discrimination and racism. Pressure groups began to form. The NIYC was established in 1961 and focused on the rights of fishing and lawsuits involving equality and religious freedom. It appeared there was also more unity when in 1964 hundreds of Native Americans assembled in Washington for Johnson's 'War on Povetry' Another pressure group NARF was formed in 1970 and again focused on the rights of Native Americans. In 1974 it challenged Supreme Court of reppraisal of problems raised such as reinstating tribes…