Macbeth quotes
- Created by: EddieJ101
- Created on: 21-05-18 21:55
Macbeth quotes
act 1
"fair is foul and foul is fair"- witches, supernatural.
a paradoxical line that represents the plot of the entire play. It represents how events in the play seem to be going well but in the background events are filled with evil.
"unsex me here"- lady macbeth, power, authority
shows Lady macbeths desire to get rid of all her womenly features. it represents the Jacobean patriachal society where men have more authority over women. Macbeth continously has more power than Lady macbeth and so she feels that the only way to gain power is to loser her feminine features.
"we will proceed no further in this business"- macbeth, power.
it shows macbeths caution and lack of ambition, only after when Lady Macbeth convinces him to do the murder does he commi the crime, showing the power struggle between the 2 and making there marriage seem a lot weaker explaining the lack of emotion Macbeth showed when Lady macbeth died. It also shows how Lady macbeth is Macbeths downfall as she plants that ambition in Macbeth which eventually leads to Macbeths downfall.
act 2
"is this a dagger i see before me" - macbeth, guilt, blame.
shows macbeths feelings of guilt for his actions. Contrasts to the way he treats murder at the start as we see macbeth as a ruthless warrior but now he feels true…
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